My Weight Loss Journey Step 3: The Purchase

Mission 25 & Killer Thighs has been progressing quite nicely. Here are the things I’ve been doing as part of this “induction phase” …the small stuff before the tough really gets going!

– Began drinking only water (+ one cup of coffee on weekdays)
– Stopped eating entire portions / Started putting down the spoon before I even feel full)
– Started parking farther and purposely making extra trips up and down stairs
– Began waking up earlier
– Stopped sugar consumption almost completely (still get it from things like Greek yogurt).
– Stopped drinking alcohol

I will be adding more, obviously. I’ve just learned over the years you can’t change everything at once. It’s a lot of stopping bad habits and starting small steps – hopefully it becomes easier, and second nature. They should be gradual enough baby steps that they naturally become part of a greater lifestyle change.

So yes, progress is made. I exposed myself publicly and got the photo, I created lists of things I would wear if I were thinner, and now… I’m on step 3, the purchase. All my life I’ve struggled with my weight and for years have kept old things that used to fit in “because I will fit back into it one day” or bought things a couple sizes down to “inspire myself to fit into this by the end of summer.”

Now this has never really successfully worked. In fact, I still have drawers full of old clothes I’m hoping to squeeze back into, and a closet full of clothes with tags. I feel pathetic for this, been wanting to clean it out. Aren’t I going to want to go shopping when I lose all this weight? It’s true, that’s what you want to do. But this is part of another initiative I’m taking with myself… living a less cluttered life. I don’t want to hold onto things and fill my house with things I don’t use….EVEN IF, I plan to use them one day. If I want it then, I should buy it then…

But alas! I’m doing this exercise again (I must be insane). Again, can’t change everything at once. I just wanted to have a fancier, really nice outfit I could wear on a date with my man. I want to stun him (because I never really dress up for him). And so this purchase is the ONE purchase I am making. But to be more realistic I did not size down so drastically like usual. The dress I chose fits for the most part, it just doesn’t zip all the way. There’s my goal, get it zipped up! I can’t be picky and see it September, disappointed in how I look, “my hips look huge in this still”, “gosh I still need to cover my arms.” That won’t be the case! My goal is to simply fit in it, to get it zipped up. Now if I fail at that… I’m really not trying. 

Here it is… the Ann Taylor’s Kaleidoscope Maxi Dress …even more beautiful in person!

Totally me. My plan is to rock this hard on my 25th with my boo on my arm and damn proud!

Till then!

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